Grief Counseling

Grief can be difficult. You don’t have to walk through it alone.

Common Thoughts & Feelings

“I’m completely numb. This is what I hear about happening to others, not me. My entire world has changed forever, while others seem to just carry on as usual. I’m angry. I’m angry that this happened, at people around me, at life itself. I’m a Christian and I want to trust God, but it’s so hard right now. I wonder what God thinks of some of the things that go through my mind when I’m lying on my bed, tossing and turning and trying to go to sleep. I can’t stop thinking if only I could have done something different, maybe I would not be in this situation. Sometimes I feel guilty and think of things I could have done differently or said but didn’t, and now they are gone and it’s too late.The sadness I feel is unbearable. How am I going to go on? Will I ever not feel like I have a huge gaping hole in my chest? I cannot imagine going on without them and I feel guilty when I think of wanting to feel happy again, even though they are not here anymore. I miss them so much. Will I ever feel normal again?”


Find Strength to Move Forward When Grief Turns Your World Upside Down

When you are experiencing grief, your life has changed, yet the world around you keeps spinning like nothing is different. It can be a confusing time accompanied with feelings like uncertainty, sadness, anger, and guilt.

Grief is a universal language. Everyone has experienced grief in some way or another. No one gets to avoid going through grief, and in time, we all must go through it. 

Grief can shake you to the core leaving you unsure of what to expect and what to do next. It can leave you wondering if and how you can begin to resume some sort of normalcy in your everyday life.

When you are dealing with grief you can experience a wide range of feelings, some of which can be unexpected and strong. You may even feel like your faith is waining as you long to find answers that no one can seem to supply. You end up finding yourself at a total loss as to how to carry on. Maybe you have considered grief counseling but you are afraid it may appear as your faith is weak if you reach out for help.

Have any questions? Send us a message!

How Grief Counseling Can Help You Heal

Grief counseling can help create space for you to talk through your thoughts and feelings you are having after the death of a loved one. Talking with a counselor who shares your Christian faith can help you talk openly about the private thoughts you may be having without feeling judged or inappropriately reprimanded, all of which can cause further hurt to an already broken heart. Talking with a trained counselor can help you better understand what is normal and what to expect as you work through your grief while providing a safe place to talk through your thoughts and feelings.

Counseling can also help you learn about the stages of grief and how to work through each stage in a healthy way. This can ensure that you are giving yourself time to move in and out of each stage while extending kindness and grace to yourself as you navigate your loss. You will lean about realistic expectations you can have of yourself, those around you, and your circumstances as you are grieving.

Your grief journey is unique and depending on your beliefs, relationship to the person who’s passed, background, and other factors, the process of adapting to a loss is also unique. There is not a one-size-fits-all approach to grief counseling. Meeting with a professional who can tailor your counseling sessions to meet your individual experiences can help ensure you have hope during what may be one of the darkest times of your life. It can create a space for your faith to grow and be strengthened although you’re struggling and have questions while moving toward healing from your loss.

It is okay to need a little more one-on-one-in-depth care that your friends, family members, or even your church family can offer. In addition to your support system, grief counseling can provide you with an additional space to process and share your grief with a trained professional who can help you in ways maybe your loved ones can’t.

In grief counseling we will work together to help you sort through the vast array of thoughts and feelings you can sometimes have. Grief counseling can help normalize your feelings and as a result can help give you hope that while nothing will ever be the same again, you can learn to adapt to your life without your loved one.

Honor Your Loved One While Helping Yourself Heal

My name is Hope and for 19 years I have been helping individuals process and work through grief. My approach offers successful forms of treatment that can help. When you need a place to talk and someone to listen, grief counseling can provide that for you. When you need to share your thoughts and feelings and wonder if they are normal, grief counseling can help. 

Together we will honor the memories you have of your loved one, work through any unresolved conflicts you may have with them that may be contributing to thoughts and feelings of guilt, and help you maneuver through the stages of grief and help you move forward into the next stage of your life.

When you lose someone special to you there are no words and I am sorry for the loss you are experiencing.

Wether it was an expected or unexpected loss, took place at a young age or after they had lived a long life, grief counseling can help you as you adapt to life without your loved one. 

“In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.”

-Robert Frost

Let’s get in touch and explore ways I can support you.

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Grief Counseling Murfreesboro

2650 Memorial Blvd

suite e

Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37129


  • Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM-7:00 PM (online availability only)

  • Friday 7:00 AM-11:00 AM (in-person availability only)

  • Sunday 2:00 PM-6:00 PM (online availability only)